Saturday 29 March 2014

One thing in mind

They say that being a parent is never easy and just when you think that all is ok, you realise that it most certainly isn't! I have no idea how to help, communicate in a way that isn't intrusive, that isn't going to make them dig their heels in further, clam up even more or land up inventing things that sound right! They can achieve greatness, be and do whatever it is they want to do or be, it does take a little work but the reward will be worth that effort. How do I make sure that they know it is for them? If I didn't love so much, it wouldn't hurt so much, but by golly I ache all over!

Thursday 27 March 2014

Only want the best

Why do things seem so clear to those of us that aren't stuck in the middle? How can you get near and dear to open up, trust and know that they aren't going to be judged, that they are safe, loved, cherished? If they could only see what it see, believe what I believe! My heart feels like it is going to burst with inadequacy! 

Thursday 6 March 2014

Living the life through the eyes of a student

Gone are the days when you had to beg, borrow and steal, not necessarily literally steal, as a student. Students of today certainly live life to the full with travelling to Rome,  Barcelona back for a couple of weeks to do a spot of course work down to the coast, sightseeing, out for. Breakfastr and then go and watch Bastille live, before heading back to uni for some more social interaction and as I wait for Robert to come out of work, they are off out for dinner. Life is grand and I am just a tad envious but thrilled at the same time that life is being lived -enjoy!

Sunday 2 March 2014

All a little overwhelming

I didn't ever think that I would get so much out of joining 'the dark side' but day 2 and I am loving it, yet my head is spinning with all this new information, trying to remember that various addresses, passwords, and how to do what.  The list goes on and on and for a technofobic (not sure if this is a proper word or how I spell it) I am slightly overwhelmed with it all but enjoying the fact that I am, slowly but surely, being brought into the 'real' world.

A huge thanks to my darling husband for bringing me and giving me the opportunity of being part of this inner circle and for having so much patience in trying to get me 'up to speed"!  Always challenging!

Any support, help and advise is, and always will be, appreciated.

A new beginning

This is a start to get me up and running, let's see how long it lasts but please don't hold your breath!